The Gladiators Affiliate Partner Programme
Help Plymouth Gladiators Speedway without spending an extra penny, but by spending your money, in a slightly different way, and saving pounds in the process!
The concept is very simple. The Publisher (in this case The Plymouth Gladiators) promotes Products and Services, the Customer (you our supporters) support the Club and our Partners (Affiliates) by buying items from their links below and the Merchant pays a commission fee to The Publisher (The Plymouth Gladiators).
Every direct purchase from the Affiliate links below, generates a small commission payment for The Gladiators.
Each purchase you make from any Partner Company in this way, benefits the Club, at no cost to you. In addition, the Affiliate links offers additional savings and offers, unique to you, the shopper.
To go to the relevant Company Website just click on the image and then you will enter the website of The Partner / Affiliate.
Our initial Partners are: Currys PC World; Goldsmiths Jewellers; Trade Counter, Vintage Wines; Vodafone + Wickes DIY. Further Partners will be added on a regular basis. (Companies whose trading has been badly affected by Covid-19 have not been added at this point and will be added once their normal Online Service resumes)
Current Gladiator Affiliate Partners
Affiliate Partner Programme Advantages
The advantages are not just related to income, as Affiliate / PARTNER links also ensure:
Exclusive Offers not always available via the Partner’s direct website.
Partner may be far more approachable and amenable to Sponsoring/Advertising directly with the Club if we are passing Business to them.
Introducers / Partners can often get an enhanced proposition in terms of faster/cheaper delivery costs
The Club website becomes “a Portal” a one stop click away from multiple websites for a lot of your Customer Purchasing – all in one place!
You tell us what shops or Companies you deal with / trust and can recommend, and we will seek to enrol them for your benefit and ours as PARTNERS. Contact us here to let us know.